Thursday, December 4, 2008

Make Reading Part of the Holidays!

The holidays are upon us! This is a great time of year to think about special celebrations, family traditions, classic stories, and holiday fun. Colorin Colorado offers a number of articles, resources, and booklists that can enrich your holiday celebrations.

If you're looking for fun holiday activities, for example, check out these parent articles:
If you'd like to make reading part of your gift-giving activities, take a look at the following resources:
One particularly special holiday book is The Storyteller's Candle, a lovely bilingual holiday story written by Lucia Gonzalez and illustrated by Lulu Delacre.

Reading Rockets also offers these holiday children's book suggestions, which are listed by age:
Finally, for the parents of children with special needs, take a look at this article from another of our sister sites, LD OnLine, about helping children with social and behavioral problems have a happy holiday season.

Happy holidays and happy reading from Colorin Colorado and all of our sister websites!