Mamá Goose:
A Latino Nursery Treasury
Written by Alma Flor Ada and F. Isabel Campoy
Illustrated by Maribel Suárez
A Latino Nursery Treasury
Written by Alma Flor Ada and F. Isabel Campoy
Illustrated by Maribel Suárez
The LBBC’s recommendation for January’s Libro del Mes, is Alma Flor Ada's Mamá Goose: A Latino Nursery Treasury/Un Tesoro de Rimas Infantiles.
We decided to start the year off right with the bilingual children’s book that ALL Latino families must have. Mamá Goose is the most comprehensive collection of nursery rhymes, lullabies, riddles, proverbs, folklore, and even villancicos that is available in the U.S.
This book certainly is un tesoro, without question. It is my favorite of all the children’s books (bilingual and otherwise) that I have ever read to my children. It is rich with the warmth of Latino culture, full of humor and sweetness, and an excellent portrayal of the diversity of the Spanish-speaking world. Some of the passages that have been chosen are familiar in many countries throughout Latin America, though various versions exist. A few of the selections included are: El Paseíto de Oro/The Golden Path; Agua, San Marcos/Water Saint Marcus; Los Cinco Hermanitos/Five Little Brothers, and ¡Qué Linda está la Mañana!/How Beautiful is this Special Day. I counted 87 different passages, written completely both in Spanish and English. I especially appreciate the fact that the translations are not literal, but rather – like all truly professional interpretations – portray the sentiment and rhythm of the original.
How beautiful is this little excerpt of un villancico andino/an Andean carol with its English translation?
Señora Doña María
Deje acercarme un poquito
Y sin despertar al niño
Besarle los piececitos.
Dear Lady María,
Allow me to get close,
And without waking the babe,
Kiss his sweet toes!
Allow me to get close,
And without waking the babe,
Kiss his sweet toes!
Señora Doña María
Cogollito de alhelí
Encárguele a su niñito
Que no se olvide de mí.
Cogollito de alhelí
Encárguele a su niñito
Que no se olvide de mí.
Dear Lady María,
Heart of a beautiful flower,
Please ask your blessed baby
To remember me each hour.
And, oh, the illustrations! To say they are lovely is an understatement. Maribel Suárez fills the book with watercolor images of children, their parents and their environment. She subtly reveals the variety of cultures through little details such as clothing, architecture and toys.
If you would like to buy your own copy of Mamá Goose, please click here. Or you can follow the link in our sidebar to the LBBC’s on-line store. We have both new and gently used copies available.
Dear Monica: Thanks so much for choosing Mama Goose as the book of the month. It has made Isabel Campoy and I very happy to read your very generous review -- since I have read it this morning, on my birthday, it has become a very welcomed birthday gift!
It has also been a pleasure to get to know your very informative blog, and to subscribe to it. I look forward reading further reviews. Since you appreciate the value of folklore I will be sending you a collection of Musica amiga -- 10 books and CDs, also co-authored with Isabel Campoy-- filled with nursery rhymes as well as poems puts to music by the great composer and singer Suni Paz. And I take the opportunity to wish you and your collaborators as well as your readers a wonderful 2009 -- that will bring all peace and serenity, friendship and love, compassion and solidarity and the fulfillment of dreams! Cordially, Alma Flor Ada
Dear Alma,
¡Feliz cumpleaños! I am touched and honored that you have enjoyed reading the LBBC. I hope that I speak for all of us who are contributing when I say that it is a pleasure to review books that educate our children about our culture and inspire them to create and carry out their own dreams.
Mil gracias for your generous gift - I look forward to reading and listening to Musica Amiga and sharing them with our readers.
With much respect to you, Isabel, Suni, Maribel and Viví,
Thanks so much for recommending this book. We purchased our own copy just today. I look forward to reading it with my little one.
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