You can use the book by simply flipping through it and picking out activities, but for those mamis who like a little more structure, it is divided into months with a supplies list at the beginning of each and a space for writing down notes at the end. Told from the perspective of a child, each month contains one activity per day that will help him or her discover the world around him and/or develop her inner creativity.
For example, August 4th says…
Let’s make an Emotion Mobile. Draw or cut out faces
expressing different emotions, such as happiness, sadness, anger,
fear, and frustration. Let’s talk about these feelings. Can
you hang the mobile(away from my reach) for a
few days so that I can look atthe expressions
and explore the faces?
The authors, Lina Maria Cuartas and Annabel Lugo Hoffman, both have extensive experience with teaching children. Cuartas, who is also the book’s illustrator, is a devoted advocate for underprivileged children, and has taught young children in the U.S., Colombia and in remote villages across the Amazon rainforest. Her first activity book for school-age children, Crezcamos Juntos! (Come Grow With Me!) sold over 25,000 copies in Colombia. Co-author and attorney, Hoffman is also a trained volunteer promoting early literacy for young children. She speaks to audiences throughout the Dallas, TX area about how to prepare children for school.
In addition to beautiful illustrations, the book contains a lovely poems and an Invitation from a Child at the beginning. The book has an English version and a Spanish one. Here is an excerpt from Entra a Mi Mundo…
Regocíjate en la certeza de que cuando estoy jugando,
estoy aprendiendo. Cuando bailo y canto, estoy aprendiendo
sobre la armonía y el espacio. Al pintar con mis deditos, estoy
aprendiendo sobre colores y formas que desarrollan
mi creatividad. Cuando toco diferentes texturas, estoy
aprendiendo que el mundo está lleno de nuevas
experiencias que deleitan mis sentidos. Cuando pruebo
nuevas comidas, estoy aprendiendoa ser flexible
y curioso acerca de la vida.
This book is certainly an asset to any family looking for ideas on how to connect with their children and develop their senses of curiosity and exploration.
To learn more about this book and other products by Lunita Company, you can check out their web site here
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