A great stepping stone for such a discussion — particularly in the ELL classroom — is the new book Duck for Turkey Day by Jacqueline Jules. We meet Tuyet, who is very excited for Thanskgiving. She tells her mother that it is time to buy a turkey, but she is worried after learning that her family will be having duck instead — after all, it's Turkey Day, not Duck Day! When it comes time to tell the class what she ate for Turkey Day, Tuyet is in for a special surprise. This heartwarming story is a beautiful reminder of the unique ways we each celebrate our own holidays, and how those traditions blend in our diverse society.
For some additional bilingual Thanksgiving titles that represent a wide range of perspectives, take a look at Colorin Colorado's Thanksgiving Tales (also available in Spanish). You may also enjoy the books on the following booklists from Reading Rockets:
Happy reading, and Happy Thanksgiving!
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