It's always a good time to talk about famous Latinos/Latinas with kids, and March has some special celebrations that will help get the conversation going!
Why March? First, it's Women's History Month, and Colorin Colorado has just created a new bilingual booklist about
Latina heroines (historical and fictional), which is also available
in Spanish.

One of my favorite books on the list is
Elena's Serenade by Campbell Geeslin. The feisty young heroine is a little girl in Mexico who is determined to become a glassblower like her father -- even though everyone knows that girls can't become glassblowers. She perseveres, however, bringing her own magical talent to the craft and refusing to give up her dreams simply because of her gender.
Another treasure is
Amelia to Zora by
Cynthia Chin-Lee, which features portraits of 26 diverse women from around the world who made important contributions in their fields during the 20th century, including Dolores Huerta and Frida Kahlo.
If you'd like some other recommendations for Women's History, take a look at these booklists from Reading Rockets:

Speaking of Dolores Huerta, the other event we are celebrating in March is Cesar Chavez's birthday: March 31st. The books on our
Migrant Stories booklist (also available
in Spanish) offer the perfect opportunity to talk with kids about migrant workers, where our food comes from, and civil rights history.
Both of these celebrations will come together in an upcoming book by Monica Brown,
Side by Side: The Story of Dolores Huerta and Cesar Chavez. When it's ready, I'll be sure to add it to both lists!
Happy reading, and remember: Hispanic Heritage is a year-round celebration!
Great post, Lydia! Love the topic and the relevance.
Thanks for sharing...
Oh these books sound great! I hope my library has them!
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