Thursday, March 24, 2011

Sip, Slurp, Soup, Soup - Caldo, caldo, caldo

Sip, Slurp, Soup, Soup/Caldo, caldo, caldo
by Diane Gonzales Bertrand
Spanish translation by Julia Mercedes Castilla
illustrated by Alex Pardo DeLange

Sip, Slurp, Soup, Soup/Caldo, caldo, caldo is a rhythmic bilingual tale about a family's excitement as Mamá begins to cook her soothing, comfort food: soup! Your stomach will rumble as you read how Mamá goes about preparing the soup, gathering her tall, dark soup pot and all the other ingredients necessary for making her caldo delicioso.

Written with full text in both English and Spanish, this story is a special treat for bilingual families, and a good read for those learning a second language. DeLange's watercolor illustrations are cartoon-like and quickly engage young readers.

My favorite lines:

"Mamá's caldo fills up a warm spot inside us.
Mamá's caldo stops the sniffles, softens a cough,
slides easily down a sore throat.
Mamá's caldo settles the stomach, soothes a backache, massages tired feet.
Caldo, caldo, caldo."

My abuelita's caldo had the same miraculous properties. And so, I think that many Latino families will also relate to this story.

The best part? The author includes a recipe for caldo in the back of the book. Do you have a favorite family comfort-food recipe?

To purchase your own copy of Sip, Slurp, Soup, Soup/Caldo, caldo, caldo, please click here. Or you can follow the link in our sidebar to the LBBC's online bookstore.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Help Flat Matthew

Flat Matthew is traveling around the world. Can you give him a hand?

This is his letter.


I  am Flat Matthew. I am fine and thrilled to be traveling around the Blog World and meeting nice people like you.

My first grade class at Balboa Elementary School read the book Flat Stanley by Jeff Brown. I liked the book so much I decided to make myself flat and visit blogs around the world.

Will you help me? Here is what you need to do:

1.    Send a picture postcard that represents the area in which you live. Also send a photograph of you holding me at your location.

2.    Mail me to:

Flat Matthew
First Grade Room 26
Balboa Magnet Elementary School
17020 Labrador Street
Northridge, California 91325


You can email your photographs at

It would be great to travel as far and wide as possible between now and the end of May.

I thank you in advance for your help with this very exciting project.


Flat Matthew.

This is the Spanish version of the book.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Welcome to My Neighborhood, Bienvenidos a mi barrio

Welcome to My Neighborhood: A Barrio A•B•C
¡Bienvenidos a mi barrio! Mi mundo de la A a la Z
written by Quiara Alegría Hudes
illustrated by Shino Arihara

We love abecedarios. And Welcome to My Neighborhood is no exception. This bicultural book follows young Ava as she tours her best friend around her neighborhood. In the barrio there are muralistas and jíbaros, trolley tracks and vegetable plots, yams and yucas. Hudes's detailed descriptions give away her intimate knowledge of the barrio - one that could be anywhere in America.

But the best part? The book is also available in Spanish. And I find the Spanish version to be exceptionally well written. Quizas even better than it's English counterpart? It is not a direct translation, but rather one that captures the essence of the story while still following the abecedario format.

Arihara's illustrations are a blend of colors and bring to life the verses in a realistic manner. She captures the essence of the barrio perfectly.

To purchase your copy of Welcome to My Neighborhood, please click here or here (for the Spanish version). Or you can follow the link in our sidebar to the LBBC’s on-line store.
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